Write On’s Guided Goals
LinkedIn is a business network with the contact and background information of your connections at your disposal.
One of the best ways to get noticed on LinkedIn is to post regular updates on your profile, showcasing your expertise. It’s much more professional than Face- book or Instagram, so the people who use it go there for that purpose. After all, when was the last time you saw someone (not in the food industry) post a food pic on LinkedIn?
Here are five things you can post as up- dates on LinkedIn.
1. An Article or Blog Post. Whenever you have a new article, whether it’s on your blog or another website, share the link with your connections. Be sure to add an image so it stands out. If the piece is for another site, an interview or a round-up post, be sure to @tag anyone mentioned, so they are notified and share your post.
2. News. One of the most important things about being an expert in your indus- try is staying on top of the latest developments, trends and news. If there is anything going on related to your field (a new product launch or update, a scientific advancement, etc.), find a relevant article and share it with your people.
3. Expert Advice. Don’t just share your own articles. Find posts from others in your industry that will be helpful for your connections. Remember, you don’t need to know everything. You just need to find reli- able sources to share information regularly. Again, @mention anyone whose post you share. And always reply to comments on your updates.
4. Events. Attending or speaking at a local event? Let your connections know. Nothing beats a real-live meet. Events serve as good places to meet new contacts in person or reconnect with former col- leagues. Be sure to take some photos that you can post after the fact on LinkedIn and your other social networks.
5. Questions. Whether you need quotes for an article, a good place to have a meet- ing out of town or a new accountant, just ask your people. Questions serve as great conversation starters. And, as a bonus, the more engagement (responses) you get, the more active your post will be in the feed.
The news feed on LinkedIn is not near- ly as cluttered as it is on most other social networks. Even if you only share updates a couple of times a week, you are still more active on the platform than most. So, have at it. Start posting and get noticed.
Debra Eckerling is the founder of Write- OnOnline.com, a website and community for writers, and author of Write On Blogging: 51 Tips to Create, Write & Promote Your Blog. A Project Catalyst, Debra works with individuals and small businesses to strategize, set goals and manage their projects.