Weekly Newsletter
From: Jennifer Badger
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, joined Chief William Bratton on Thursday,
May 7 to report a 30% drop in homicides, as well as across the board
reductions in the city’s year-to-date crime statistics.
Reporting reductions in crime across all categories, year-to-date the
city has experienced a 6% drop in overall crime and a 5% decrease in
violent crime. Additionally, LA leads national homicide comparisons with
a 30% drop in homicides.
(see attached press release for full details)
MAYOR’S GUN BUY-BACK: This Saturday, May 9!
Attached, please find a flyer for the Mayor’s No-Questions-Asked Gun
Buy Back event tomorrow, Saturday, May 9th. If you have a firearm in
your home that you are not using, please consider turning it in for
either a $100 Ralphs or Visa gift card. Please consider that a
significant number of weapons used in crimes each year are stolen from
legitimate gun-owners.
There are 19 locations around the City. The West LA location is:
Grace Assembly Church
8606 Wiley Post Ave,
Los Angeles, CA 90045
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
(Please see attached flyer for further details)
Please join us for the next West Area Day of Service Planning meeting:
Monday, May 11th
6:30 p.m.
West LA Municipal Building
1645 Corinth Avenue
Day of Service is Saturday, June 27th! We hope to see you there!
The Mayor’s Volunteer Bureau is recruiting friendly and energetic
individuals to participate in our volunteer, City Hall Docents program!
The Las Angelenas docents were formed during the administration of Mayor
Tom Bradley and many of the original members still volunteer on a weekly
basis here in City Hall. They are known for their trademark red blazers
and can be found assisting visitors and providing tours of the building
each morning, Monday through Thursday.
Despite their dedication, the Las Angelenas are not able to accommodate
all requests for tours due to their low membership numbers. The current
low number of docents prevents the scheduling of tours on Fridays and or
afternoon hours. In addition, there are not enough docents to substitute
when an emergency or illness prevents a regularly scheduled docent from
attending on their assigned day. We are searching for additional
docents to provide tours on Fridays, afternoons, or to be substitute
docents when the regularly scheduled docent is unable to attend due to
emergency or illness. Substitute docents would be called to cover the
regular docent’s pre-scheduled tours.
(Please see attached job description and application form)
Have a great weekend!
Jennifer Badger
West Area Representative
Office of Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa
1645 Corinth Avenue
Room 103-1C
Los Angeles, CA 90025