This September, the Los Angeles Police Department is observing Counter Terrorism Awareness Month. The Department’s Counter Terrorism mission is to detect, deter, and prevent future attacks to the Los Angeles area and the communities we protect. This is why we are partnering with the 3.93 million residents of our city by re-launching the iWatch program (If you See Something, Say Something) as well as launching the mobile application.
The mobile application can be searched by using the following terms, LAPD iWatch, iWatchLA,
iWatchLAPD. The mobile application enables community members to report information that may be
suspicious, using their mobile smart device. The application is currently available in the Apple App Store and in the Google Android Play Market. Because the application depends on the community’s involvement, it is important that everyone in the Department is made aware of the mobile application.
The Department members can assist in introducing to the community the background, benefit to the community and assurances regarding the phone permission levels of the application, and how the information they provide may be used.
The added eyes and ears of our community members aid in the defense against homeland attacks. Vigilance and awareness is the best known method to counter terrorism.
For more information, go to: http://lapdonline.org/iwatchla