Plans Outline Glass-Enclosed Entryway, Construction to Begin in 2025
By Dolores Quintana
The City Of Beverly Hills has an update about the plans to add a second entrance to the Wilshire/Rodeo Station, which is currently under construction. This station is part of the Metro Purple Line extension that will stretch from Wilshire and Western Station to the future site of the Westwood VA station.
Three potential locations for the second entrance have been under discussion in the community meetings. The first entrance is the south portal at Wilshire’s intersection with Reeves Drive, which is already under construction. After considering the three options on the table, the Beverly Hill City Council chose the northwest corner of Wilshire Boulevard and Beverly Drive, adjacent to the Wilshire Beverly Center office complex.
The newly chosen location will feature an above-street-level, glass-enclosed entryway similar to those found at the K-Line and Regional Connector stops. The design includes one up escalator and one staircase, leading into a 170-foot-long tunnel that will connect to the concourse level of the Wilshire/Rodeo Station.
Construction for the north portal is scheduled from January 2025 to March 2027. A staff report estimates the total cost of the new entrance to be $134.2 million. According to the settlement agreement that initiated the project, Metro and the City of Beverly Hills will share the cost of the new portal up to the original budget of $78.5 million.
However, any amount exceeding this estimate will be subject to negotiation between the two entities. As a result, the Beverly Hills City Council will need to determine whether to proceed with the north portal or reallocate the funds to other projects, such as first/last mile improvements.