If you are one of the many drivers who were victims of snarled traffic while construction was being done on the 405 Freeway in West Los Angeles, you should probably know: It’s not over yet.
First, the southbound lanes of the San Diego Freeway were closed for a couple of nights, but reopened for the busiest hours of traffic. Then the same was done on the northbound lanes, with traffic being shunted off to side streets between Santa Monica and National Boulevards.
Both incidents creating traffic jams at a time of night when it’s usually clear sailing on the busy north-south artery.
The Sepulveda Pass Improvement project is about 85 percent complete, officials at Metro said. And the construction improvements will continue.
Metro said a wide variety of work is going to be conducted in coming months, from closures for new striping, to various improvements that are needed on the aging thoroughfare.
For more information on the project, visit www.metro.net/projects/i-405.