Everyone knows that we are undergoing a climate change not seen on the earth before. We all understand what is happening and have many points of views and suggestions as to how correct the problem. I am here to talk to you about the soil. The effects of this climate change, combined with the bad practices of human beings, have developed a tipping point in the health of the soil, worldwide.
How is the health of the soil and the health of all living things related? They all depend on the soil for minerals.
The key to healthy trees etc is a functioning healthy soil. For the soil to properly function, it must have a variety of living microbes and a source of trace minerals. It is the job of the microbes to assimilate minerals and make them available in a form that then it can be used. Different microbes have different tasks to perform. Some have the main job of attaching themselves to the roots and then passing on the nutrients. Others have the job of seeking out minerals and converting them into an available form that can be used by the trees, plants etc.
All living things have a relationship between what minerals they are lacking in and pests and diseases. It is all about minerals. There are 96 trace minerals all of which are required for a being to be healthy. This system has been developed over millions of years with specific diseases and pests evolving to deal with this. I will only be talking about trees and other plants but it is also true about other living things.
My experience with trees has taught me the law of cause and effect. Pests and diseases are only the effects and not the cause. I ask myself why diseases and diseases only attack one tree and not the one right next to it? One tree was healthy and the other was not. In the case of the two trees, I asked myself what was different between the two. I discovered that one tree was near a water bib and it was getting watered every time the bib was being used while the other tree was far enough away not to get this constant watering.
Microbes die (actually drown) if the soil becomes water logged. When they die, the supply of nutrients to the trees, is cut off. The trees get stressed and will be attacked by pests and or diseases (diseases follow pests). Chemical fertilizers only make it worse. The opposite is also true in that if you do not water correctly, the microbes will die from lack of water, and the results are the same.
Let me guide you through the process of how to heal your soil.
To be continued…
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Andy Lopez
Invisible Gardener