Years ago, while I was off-duty and using an outdoor ATM at night, I became aware of a man standing near me and then pacing behind me while I used the ATM. At first thought I suspected that maybe he was waiting to use the machine, but then I noticed that there was another operable ATM machine right next to me that he could have used. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I thought, “Darn it, I’m going to get robbed!â€
Then something happened that I’ll never forget. Two women, who, I remembered, had just used the ATM only moments before I had, saw this man loitering behind me so they pulled their car to the curb immediately behind me and gave me a nod. I knew that they had suspected the same thing I had when it came to this character. They wanted to show both him and me that we were being watched and that there were people around who cared about what was going on.
He slinked away, I finished my transactions and the ladies smiled and pulled off before I could thank them. Luckily for him he thought better of robbing me (unbeknownst to him I had my sidearm in my waistband!) and he lived to see another day. He was taken into custody shortly thereafter following my phone call to the Watch Commander. Take the time to look out for others. A simple, kind gesture may prevent a tragedy.
Here are a few tips to prevent becoming a victim of a crime at an ATM.
• Do not select an ATM at the corner of a building. Corners create a blind area in close proximity to the ATM customer. An ATM located at the center of a building can reduce the element of surprise by an assailant and increases effective reaction time by the user.
• Select an ATM with maximum natural surveillance and visibility from the surrounding area. This increases the perceived notion of detection by criminals and increases the potential for witnesses.
• Select an ATM that is in a well-lighted location and preferably monitored by security officers (note that most LAPD station lobbies have a 24-hour ATM within them).
• Select ATMS free of barriers that would block the line of sight and create hiding areas for would-be assailants. This includes shrubbery, landscaping, signs and dividers.
• Avoid ATM locations with large perimeter parking lots and numerous ingress and egress points.
• Prepare all transactions prior to your arrival at the ATM to minimize the amount of time spent there with your head down and occupied.
• Be aware of anyone sitting in parked cars close to your proximity and be sure you are not being followed after leaving the ATM. If you suspect that you are being followed, drive immediately to a police, sheriff, fire station or other crowded, well-lit area. Flash your lights and sound your horn to bring attention to yourself
• And finally, if you are involved in a confrontation and the attacker is armed with a weapon and is demanding your money and valuables, by all means, COMPLY! They get desperate tunnel vision on what they want and you don’t want to bet your life on whether or not they mean business.
Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.
Senior Lead Officer Maria Gray