Free Seminar, Thursday, May 19th 6:00-7:15pm
The Secret to Getting Rid of Debt and Saving your Home.
Led by Attorney, Chuck Panzarella, Founder of CAL GROUP
620 N. Brand Ave., 5th Floor, Glendale , CA 91203
Join CalGroup founder Chuck Panzarella in this informative, educational, and free event revolving around the most challenging aspect of understanding and freeing yourself of debt and improving your credit.
Dont miss this opportunity to learn and discuss the steps needed to save your home, get rid of credit card debt and save your credit. The insight homeowners can gain just from this session can have a tangible impact on their mortgage, or open the doors to a greater understanding of the need for education and training.
Our successful clients have reduced their debt, made their banks happy and freed themselves of high interest loans. The timeframe for the foreclosure process varies from state to state. It is important to know that once the foreclosure process begins, TIME IS YOUR ENEMY!
The longer you wait, the more court costs, late charges, and foreclosing attorney fees are incurred.
Please rsvp,
CAL GROUP, Consumer Action Legal Group
Tel: (818) 396-8328