Judith Pacht
November & December booksigning & two upcoming feature poetry readings
I’ll be reading from new poems, from User’s Guide and from two upcoming works. If any of the times below fit your schedules it will be wonderful to see you!
Village Book Store
Saturday, November 7, 2009
3 PM to 4 PM, booksigning
1049 Swarthmore Ave.
Pacific Palisades
310. 454.4063
Ocean Park Library
Saturday, November 14, 2009
2 PM, feature readings
Judith Pacht and Steve McDonald
2601 Main Street (at Ocean Park Blvd. – enter one block north)
Santa Monica, CA
310. 392.3804
Light the Sky Poetry Series
@ the Metro Café
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
7 to 9:30 PM, feature readings
Richard Garcia, Katharine Williams, Judith Pacht
Eagle Rock Mall, Upper Level
2700 Colorado Blvd. (where the I-134 meets the I-2)
Los Angeles, CA 90041
323. 256.8763
Words wait
as a mother bird
pushes her fledgling
to take wing
even though
his first steps tremble.
He falls.
At noon in sultry
shade or in midnight’s
bright moonshadow
he eats, she feeds
leafhopper, springtail
beak to beak
and one day
he stands steady,
with his focused
jet-bead eyes, inside,
remembering steady
and how he got there,
he stands
for all that’s beating
under his feathers.
On a good day
he flies off the page.
Judith Pacht, 2009