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Next Mayor of Los Angeles: Why Steve Soboroff Endorses Karen Bass

By  Steve Soboroff

I have lived in Los Angeles for more than fifty years, and other than for Dick Riordan, have never endorsed a candidate for Mayor in a primary, until today. 

I am voting for, Karen Bass, and here’s why:

Living for 50 years in Los Angeles, during which I have served as a Los Angeles Police Commissioner (President twice, and still serving), Rec & Parks Commissioner (President once), Harbor Commissioner, being involved in Big Brothers/Big Sisters since 1968, and as Chair of the LAUSD Bond Oversight Committee, I know what it takes to actually get things done. Democracy is exhausting. Karen Bass makes the system work.

Karen Bass may not be uniquely qualified to make promises, but she is most qualified to implement them. Here’s why: Her relationships with the State, the Federal government and with mainstream philanthropy, coupled with her accomplishments in hundreds of neighborhoods are unique and frankly, unparalleled.  Because she leads from the middle she has an opportunity to be one of the outstanding Mayors that Los Angeles has seen in many decades.

Of course we need to expand the LAPD, but saying a number only gets us to the ten yard line. Getting to the finish line involves recruitment, funding, reassigning cops to neighborhood patrols and lawmaking. Guns off the streets, drug dealers and those who terrorize/burglarize others need rehab (in jail), collaborating for new laws and policies, proactive community based policing programs and continued de-escalation training. Karen Bass has this as a realistic plan to cross that finish line first. No one can make Los Angeles safer by simply saying we need thousands of more cops. No one appreciates and understands the role in this of LA’s service providing charities, churches and synagogues like Karen Bass. My long time friend Joe Buscaino understood, and so does Karen Bass..

With the twin crises of homelessness and housing affordability, we need a leader who can implement, who understands all of the complexities, there are dozens, and can get folks to work together. We need Congresswoman Karen Bass. 

Karen has a history of never over-promising and almost always delivering She understands that every unique neighborhood – from Pacoima to Encino to Northridge, from San Pedro to Pacific Palisades – demands a tailor-made plan that addresses residents and business owner’s individual needs. 

I believe in the abilities of and possibilities for our next generation. I know and respect all of the candidates, as all seem willing to work hard to get there. But that’s not enough. Our next Mayor has to have lived among the people, been in the schools, visited the parks, walked the streets, and not changed positions and policies based on political winds. That is Karen Bass.

I have seen Karen’s accomplishments in Los Angeles first hand, over and over. Always a collaborator, always strong, and always respected. Karen Bass shares credit and takes responsibility. She does not exaggerate her accomplishments nor denigrate others.

We all want our City of Angels to emerge stronger, safer, and better. I am convinced that Karen Bass has the experience, the tools, and the heart and soul to do just that. 

I am voting for Karen Bass to be our next Mayor and that is why !”

in Opinion
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