Judy Konkoly,a wife and mother has added author to her already hectic, multi-hyphenite life with the publication of a series of books based on her family. Sara, Lily and Aaron’s fun-filled adventures are told in stories that are fun to share with your three to eight year old children.
“It started as a way to keep our European relatives informed,” said author Konkoly. “The more we blogged, the more interest and encouragement our friends and family gave us. My cousin is a talented illustrator and I asked him to do a few sketches of our family; the rest is history,” Konkoly concluded.
Thanks for all of us with children who like to read about themselves, the Konkoly family’s adventures are memorialized in a series of paper back books which may not be historic but are certainly entertaining.
The series starts with “We are a Big Family” which introduces Aaron, the youngest tyke who enters the world in this book. Other titles in the Sara, Lily and Aaron series include “Going Home”, “Aaron’s First Bath with the Girls” and other tales of daily family life told with a twist of humor and lively illustrations.
Encourage your children to memorialize their daily lives or just live vicariously through the charming series available at Amazon.com.