Files containing personal information on patients treated at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center were stolen when an employee’s car was broken into, the hospital says.
The break-in occurred on July 8, 2016, according to a hospital statement. The files of more than 700 patients were taken, the Los Angeles Times reported.
A sheriff’s investigation is underway, according to the hospital, which said the employee from whom the files were stolen has been re-trained on procedures.
The stolen information included names, birth dates, medical record numbers, telephone numbers, genders, dates and times of appointments and possibly why examinations were being sought, the hospital statement said, adding social security numbers and financial information were not included.
The hospital said it has set up a toll-free number for patients with questions about the incident — (844) 345-4600.
County-USC Chief Executive Dan Castillo vowed the hospital will take steps to prevent a recurrence.