While summer may seem like a built-in “breather” for kids, the summer months can actually be an ideal time to regroup and get reinvigorated for the coming school year. If your child is struggling in school, social situations or even with family interactions, sitting out for the summer could be more harmful than helpful.
Studies show that students lose up to three months of academic progress in what has become known as the “summer slide.” These same students can also lose gains they have made in behavior modification or adherence to routine that can improve ADHD symptoms.
However, when kids attend summer programing designed to increase their abilities, the opposite can happen; making kids better equipped for the new school year! This summer, you can help your child tackle their challenges and be ready to start the next year AHEAD, instead of behind.
The first step is to schedule a comprehensive assessment to gauge your child’s overall function in key areas. At Brain Balance Achievement Centers, its assessment is an objective and quantifiable measurement of each area of function—motor, sensory, behavioral, social, emotional, and cognitive—allowing them to better understand your child’s unique challenges. The assessment consists of testing of more than 900 functions and is performed in a single session.
The testing results help to create a comprehensive, fully individualized program to address your child’s unique challenges. As a parent, you will understand exactly why your child may excel at some tasks and struggle with others and how this leads to the problems that you and your child struggle with every day at home or school. The report will provide you with a complete understanding of your child’s behavioral, social, and academic skills. The center will also explain in detail what they can do to help reduce or eliminate these problems, resulting in long-term improvement in academics and behavior.
If you could give your child an academic advantage next fall, wouldn’t you do it? The non-invasive, drug-free Brain Balance program can offer your child the help they need to improve their attention and behavior issues, making school work less of a burden and bringing peace back to your family interactions.
Find out how your child can benefit from Brain Balance — schedule a comprehensive assessment today. Special spring offers could save you 50 percent off our assessment plus they will take $500 off of your enrollment. Call 1-800-877-5500 today and mention “Spring Break Offer.”
For more information, visit www.brainbalancecenters.com.