Exposure to radiation is measured in rems. On average as we go through our lives, Americans are exposed to 620 millirems, (0.62 rems) of radiation a year from natural and manmade sources. Guidelines in the USA recommend taking proactive precautions against exposure when there is risk of 1 rem of exposure to the entire body or 5 rem of exposure to the thyroid. The thyroid is apparently the most vulnerable of our organs to radiation exposure and taking K1 is a good way to avoid this damaging exposure (see other articles throughout Westside Today for information on K1)
According to an NRC press release of 3.16.11, “All the available information continues to indicate Hawaii, Alaska, the U.S. Territories and the U.S. West Coast are not expected to experience any harmful levels of radioactivity.”
For more information on the NRC’s view of the crisis see: www.nrc.gov