Did you know that “each year the average American uses enough wood and wood products to add up to a tree 100 feet tall?†In the United States, that’s 300 million 100-foot-tall trees used each year.
One thing I think everyone can take a stand on is using trees responsibly. Consider how many trees we consume each year for books. Think of all the trees that would have to be cut down if the millions of books sold each year re made from new trees. Publishing companies need to understand that they should use recycled paper. They could also help the environment by using soy ink.
One reason trees are so important is that they breathe in carbon dioxide and let out oxygen. At the rate we’re at 100 years from now well there be enough oxygen due to all the cut down trees? Over the years how many trees will be left?
We should start now and give trees as presents. People can plant them, water them, and enjoy watching them grow.
Other ways to save trees are: use canvas grocery bags, as they will help not to waste paper bags; don’t drink out of paper cups, use a re-usable water bottle; and most of all, on Christmas, try not to by a real tree. If we don’t cut reasonably or plant more trees in a couple of generations, will kids know what a forest looks like?
I think everyone can do something even if it’s taking a hose and watering a tree or a plant, or just use one less piece of paper. Please, recycle!
Imagine a world where the air is thin, the weather is hot; nobody can sit in the shade of a tree. Do you want that to be our world? Now also imagine a world where trees are all over your neighborhood, people are having picnics under trees and kids climb on them. That’s the world we all want. Help us achieve and keep that goal, before it’s too late.