The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and Wilshire Boulevard Temple presents the first of two programs in the sixth annual Linda and Tony Rubin Lecture, “The Longest Hatred: Confronting the Rise of Antisemitism in Europe,” part of the Museum’s national conversation exploring the ongoing relevance of the Holocaust, to more than 800 guests on Sunday, January 18, 2015, at Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles.
Deborah Lipstadt, Dorot professor of modern Jewish and Holocaust studies at Emory University and chair of the Museum’s Committee on Antisemitism and State Sponsored Holocaust Denial, draws on recent news reports, research studies and interviews with a broad array of European Jews, while discussing the contemporary state of European antisemitism and what communities and individuals can do about it.

The second program, “Just Following Orders? How Ordinary People Become Perpetrators,” will take place in February in Los Angeles.Through its national campaign Never Again: What You Do Matters, led by honorary chair Elie Wiesel, the Museum seeks to make critical investments to keep Holocaust memory alive as a relevant, transformative force in the 21st century.