Looking for a unique way to give out some Valentine’s Day love? The Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association (GLAZA) provides the chance to do exactly that while also helping to save a species through its “ADOPT” An Animal program.
Donation levels begin at $35, and recipients are recognized with an official ADOPT (Animals Depend on People Too) certificate designating them guardian of that species at the Zoo for one year, an animal photo and an acknowledgement with the giver’s personal message.
For gifts of $65 through February 14, GLAZA adds a choice of one premium plush tiger, giraffe or otter figure. With all ADOPT donations used exclusively for endangered species programs at the Los Angeles Zoo and around the world, the love is endless
For nearly five decades, the private, non-profit Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association, founded in 1963, has funded exhibits, plant and animal species conservation, capital projects, and education and community outreach programs at the Los Angeles Zoo, an international leader in the preservation of endangered species and a conservation center for the care and study of wildlife. volunteer corps of over 700.
Plush animals are available while supplies last; alternate plush animals may be available after that.
For additional information,:
http://lazoo.org/support/adopt/ or 323-644-6035.