Appeal looks to block construction of 62-unit project
By Sam Catanzaro
This month, the Los Angeles City Planning Commission is set to consider an appeal looking to halt the construction of a mixed-use development on Westwood Boulevard.
The project, submitted last year to the City of Los Angeles, calls for replacing a vacant building at 2301 Westwood Boulevard with a five-story apartment complex with 50 residential units – including five for extremely low-income individuals – and 6,507 square feet of ground-floor retail with 71 parking spaces on three basement levels.
The appeal, filed by an abutting homeowner, argues that the proposed development is too big for the surrounding area, lacks enough on-site parking, and inappropriately obtained Transit Oriented Communities incentives. A staff response rebuted these claims and determined that the project’s current approvals were appropriate.
The project applicant, an entity named The Westwood, LLC, has previously downsized the mixed-use project from a larger 62-unit development.