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What You Should Know About Drug Addiction Formation

Dependence on psychoactive substances (drugs) is a chronic disease manifested in an irresistible desire to use narcotic substances, despite the negative social and medical consequences.

According to modern research, drug addiction is a disease of the central nervous system: the biochemistry in the active centers (receptors) of the brain changes so that the need for narcotic substances becomes biologically determined and very strong.

The first time most people use drugs is voluntary, for various reasons, but repeated use can lead to changes in the brain, resulting in a person being unable to resist intense cravings for the drug. Because drug use can cause changes in the brain, addiction is seen as a chronic disease rather than a lack of willpower or bad character. 

Drug addiction is considered a relapsing disease — people who are or have been treated for substance use disorders are at increased risk of returning to drug use, even after several years of abstinence. That is why they should consider looking for professional rehabs near me.

Drug use primarily affects three components of the brain.

  • The basal ganglia is involved in the formation of habits and daily behavior and is important in the formation of motivation, in particular the pleasurable effects of activities such as eating, communication and sex. These areas form a key node called the “reward circuit” of the brain. Drugs excessively activate this chain — cause euphoria; but as a result of repeated exposure to surfactants, the body adapts to their presence, the sensitivity of the basal nuclei decreases. Thus, a person loses the ability to feel pleasure from activities other than drug use.
  • The enlarged amygdala is responsible for stressful feelings, such as irritability and restlessness, that are characteristic of withdrawal (when a person suddenly stops using narcotic substances). With long-term use of narcotic substances, a person continues to do so to get temporary relief from the feeling of discomfort and not for pleasure. That is, the use of surfactants is not for pleasure but to “bring yourself to a normal state.”
  • The prefrontal cortex is responsible for making decisions, thinking, planning, solving problems, and controlling your impulses. This brain part is the last to mature, so teenagers are most vulnerable to drugs.

Some narcotic substances, such as opioids, also affect the brain stem, which controls basic vital functions (heart rate, breathing, and sleep).

Psychoactive drugs are substances that cause addiction under conditions of systematic use, according to the studies and rehabs near me. Psychoactive substances include alcohol, narcotic substances, certain medicines.

Drugs can be divided into opioids, stimulants, hallucinogens, cannabinoids, hypnotics and sedatives, inhalants. Surfactants can be consumed in a variety of ways, including smoking, swallowing, snorting, intravenously, and intramuscularly.

Main signs of drug addiction, according to the doctors from drug rehab near me:

  • a strong desire or feeling of irresistible urge to take a drug;
  • impaired ability to control behavior associated with the use of drugs;
  • the appearance of a withdrawal state that occurs when the intake of a psychoactive substance is reduced or stopped;
  • signs of tolerance to the action of a psychoactive substance, manifested in the need to increase its amount to achieve the desired effect significantly;
  • preoccupation with the drug use, which manifests itself in the fact that for the sake of taking the substance a person completely or partially gives up important alternative pleasures and interests or spends a lot of time on the activities necessary to acquire and take the substance and on recovery from its effects;
  • use of psychoactive substances despite clear signs of harmful consequences for health, work/study, relationships with friends, family members, etc.
  • Drug use and addiction in California
  • Substance abuse and addiction are quite common in California. Because of its geographic location, the state has been a prime target for drug trafficking over the years. It shares its border with Mexico. And Sin City Las Vegas in neighboring Nevada creates another challenge with its criminal activities including drug smuggling.
  • The Substance Use in California Almanac (2022 Edition) gives an insight into the situation with drug abuse, addiction, and treatment in the Golden State. This is the annual average data for the period between 2018 and 2019:
  • ·       3.6% of Californians aged 12 and older met the criteria of a drug use disorder (DUD).
  • ·       Marijuana stays on top of the most popular illegal drugs ranking among all age groups. 20% reported smoking it in the past year.
  • ·       The rate of DUD among young adults (18-25 years old) was 8.5% which is nearly three times that of adults age 26 and older (2.9%).
  • ·       About 10% of people with addiction received any kind of treatment. And for every 10 Californians in treatment, 6 received treatment for drug abuse only, 3 for both drugs and alcohol, and 1 for alcohol only.
  • The statistics for California and the U.S. shows that young adults report the highest level of substance abuse. Experts explain that a higher willingness to experiment and take risks is common for this age. And greater exposure to drugs among young people makes them more available. Families, communities, and practitioners should educate themselves on preventive substance abuse strategies for this group at increased risk.

Why do some people become addicted to drugs and others do not?

A specialist from drug rehab near me would tell you that it is impossible to predict whether a person will become  to drugs. Some people can take drugs for a certain period of time and not become addicted. In others, addiction develops very quickly, literally after the first use. Many factors influence the formation of addiction, and the more risk factors a person has, the more likely it is that taking drugs can lead to addiction. That is why if you notice that you can’t stop taking a particular drug, look for drug or alcohol rehab centers near me.

Risk factors affecting the formation of addiction can be divided into several groups.

1. Biological. Genes with which a person is born play a significant role in the formation of addiction. In addition, gender, ethnicity, and the presence of comorbid mental illnesses (depression, anxiety disorders, etc.) are important. In particular, people who have other mental illnesses are more prone to developing drug addiction.

2. Social. A person’s environment, characteristics of family relationships (primarily children and parents), friends, economic situation and general level of well-being affect the risks of starting to use drugs and forming addiction. Factors such as physical, sexual and psychological violence, living in conditions of constant stress, pressure from the family can significantly increase the likelihood of starting to use drugs and subsequent dependence on them.

3. Evolutionary. Genetic factors and environmental factors interact with critical stages of development in a person’s life and affect the risk of drug addiction. Drug use at any age can lead to addiction, but the earlier it starts, the more likely it is to develop into an addiction. This is especially true for teenagers: the areas of their brains that control decision-making, judgment, and self-control are still developing, so teens may be especially prone to risky behaviors, including drug use.

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