2010 Math Maze Players Camp Opportunities
Math Maze USA is looking for Community based 501 C3 Non-profit Corporations interested in hosting Summer Math Maze Players Camps. These hands-on mathematics skills development camps will make mathematics accessible and relevant to learners. The program is aimed at students 8-14 yrs who are struggling with learning mathematics. The camps will use a revolutionary new mathematics skills development card game called the Math Maze game system. We will train your staff members and supply the games for your camp. The Math Maze Players Camps will help develop interest, excitement and proficiency in K-12 mathematics. The Math Maze Game System makes learning math fun by providing a platform for multiple exposures to skills and strategies practice in an exciting gaming environment. Learners will play with old friends and make new friends having so much fun they won’t even know that they are learning. The camps activities will include a final, Math Maze game tournament.
The length of the Math Maze Players Camps will be four weeks.
• The Math Maze Players Camps will be conducted 2 hours a day 5 days a week.
• All participants will receive a certificate of participation and the tournament winners will receive prizes and trophies.
For additional information Call (310) 697-3177 or email: mathmazeusa@ gmail.com
Interested Organizations should respond by May 11, 2010