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Julia Roberts in Eat Pray Love, and More…

For most people Julia Roberts is a legend, which title carries the appropriate dignity and respect she earned, but sometimes lacks the understanding that she is flesh and blood as the rest of us, except perhaps a lot more creative, determined, and sensitive. One cannot be a great actor without carrying a respectable amount of vulnerability and a great deal of receptivity of the world around them. And one cannot be successful unless determined with a great deal of tenacity, just like Julia Roberts is.

Now, of course on top of that extreme sensitivity that getting into high intensity emotional characters requires, she also needs to “hold it together,†and cannot afford to “fall apart†like so many people out there who are being provided for, and taken care of regardless of circumstances. They are the ones not understanding the work involved before someone gains the title of a celebrity. It is easy to get a “nervous breakdown,†or “become completely exhausted in need of a vacation,†or an “I cannot take it attitude,†and such endless dramas, which demand others to carry the weight of the World for them, – in plain English: they suck the blood of the caretaker in a vampire way!

When someone is there to feed you and pay your bills, this stunt work makes the trick really well, and even gets you sympathy. Let’s not talk about where it gets you in reality! But, most people thinking that a life of a celebrity is easy belong to this well cushioned crowd.

The assumption and perception that a celebrity’s life is cream and peaches however are much less possible when one needs to show up on the set every day at 6 am fresh and rested and stay sometimes till 2 am and not complain about a single thing. Most importantly they must carry the weight of it all as if there was NO weight at all! For the camera sees it all, and the camera is merciless and will let nothing go unnoticed whether you are photogenic or not!

All this excludes the tremendous effort it takes any amazing talent, and not only Julia Roberts, but also any star to simply just get the job in the first place. Boy, we are off the wagon as fans in our imagination of their flawless lives, aren’t we?

Maybe it is for the better! Ignorance as a mess epidemic has served the media and even politics more than anything, which lately seems to also mix match with celebrity! (Well, of course most politicians are great actors, but without any emotional attachment to the character they play and absolutely no honesty at all!) In fact most politicians calculate with achieving a celebrity status and the admiration that it brings! Yet again, this topic alone is the subject of a 300-page book. Not that the government would like it. Certainly not these days! Not even in a First Amendment society! Actually, are we still in that zone? Just wondering…

But, going back to the world of art: Talent does not just randomly create its magic, but it is soulful and giving. It does not leave success up to life’s chances and complexities and it does not believe that life is just a big chaos over which we have no control at all. And, we all are victims of this big something called “LIFE†that nobody really understands anything about.

Nobody successful ever thought that way, coming from rich or poor; the ones who made it understood the juice of life subconsciously or not! For there is no other way to the road of success than a deep sense of what life is about.

One of the biggest discoveries of the 21st century is the understanding of Chaos, which is the basic element to all birth in life: The Chaos Theory, without which there would not be anything new, or any creation at all of any kind. And, in my opinion it has no end and it has no beginning. For I think it is part of what we call infinity. Chaos never ends and it never begins. It just is.

The basic message is simple: although you do not know how and through which variables, collisions, accidents, so called ‘tragedies,†which are perhaps hidden blessings, coincidences, serendipities and imaginations, beliefs and just about anything else in between that is not stagnant, but rather elastic, goes into all the variables, and yet you will arrive to the very same END result as if the variables were different in any which circumstance. One way or another, sooner or later it arrives to the same end result. And, this very end result IS what is predictable: The Chaos Theory knows the end result, but does NOT know the HOWs! And, if you ask me, that is all that counts: the end result! The variables (or choices) in between will make up your life and are the domains of the Universe through your own mind’ perceptions, which will make you choose one way over another. And, it varies in each person’s case.

Will it take you one second, ten minutes, ten years, or a hundred years, or eternity to get “there,†to arrive to your very own destination? We do not know. But, in reality it does not matter (I am using the word “reality†here in a broader term than what the word reality today means…in truth there is no reality, we know nothing about reality…. we know this very fact from Quantum Physics. Reality is our perception and what we believe in.)

All it takes to make it in life is to see the big picture. Unfortunately though when you do not see the big picture the in-betweens become your every day focus to the degree that you micro manage, get lost in meaningless details, lose sight of the goal and as the result will start attracting that which you most probably do not want at all, and the more you do not want it, the more you will have it and so you go on a Ferris wheel, not knowing that you can just step of it any time.

You actually have the power to ruin your life (or make it big) on the Planet if you so will! That is how powerful you are! And this is true no matter how many lottery tickets you buy, or how big of a victim you become for various reasons, which really are just man-made beliefs and gets you nowhere! Hard to grasp but it is true.

The 21st century, sorry folks, I do not mean to disillusion anyone, but is really about breaking up the bull completely! 2010 is not about the end of the world in a literal sense, but rather the end of the World, as we THINK of it! The exact same power that creates all negativity inside and outside you is also able to create the biggest achievements there are! In fact being rich is easier than being poor. Becoming rich and successful is a way of thinking and not some random happenstance.

That is how simple it is. It is time to get “real, “real in the sense of waking up, for a change, to change!

Life is a gift! It is a privilege! Live it to the very best of your abilities and do not mind what a less than enlightened person says or does! You will always, and always prevail for as long as you are true to your ground beliefs and you set out to be at service to others! And, if your purpose is happiness, which by the way the sole purpose of life itself besides evolution, which both are technically the same, you will know in your soul when you self-destruct and when you let yourself be happy. Sadly and very, very fortunately at the same time, those who hurt others and themselves will self-destruct as one of the laws of human evolution, and as such nobody can rescue anyone, and yet again this is a whole new line of recognition and the subject of a book.

In brief: Jesus did not say, “Go and sin no more†because he did not know what else to say! He said it because he understood and taught Quantum Physics then, which we only understand today. Scientifically that is! He taught the Law! Try it and you will see it. I have seen countless examples and true stories that most often then not end up in court when someone falsely believes that sinning is fine and then ask for forgiveness and then go out again to do the same thing once more, exploiting others, asking for forgiveness and so the story spirals. Like the psychopathic man I myself tried to help helplessly. There is no rescue except within and never without. (There is a book coming out about that subject!) Many of us make this mistake: help those who cannot be helped. Jesus himself did not come back to the same person twice and three times and a hundred times. He came once! That is where your free will lays. Where you go from there is up to you! And, this is one of the messages of the 21st Century: Within and not without! One for all, all for one!

Everyone who is successful, happy and fulfilled has a basic understanding of the law of attraction, which basically concludes that how you think is who you are, and are becoming every day: “cogito ergo sum,†or in English “I think therefore I am,†as it has become most popular in its expression throughout the past decades from Descartes.

Not that in this piece I want to credit Julia Roberts with all of the above but, the chaos theory, and other transformational recognitions, I believe is demonstrated to us through some of the most fascinating people on the planet, and I believe one of them is Julia Roberts.

The set of her latest film is in Cancun, Mexico, and we are discussing Roberts playing Elizabeth Gilbert in the big-screen adaptation of her soul-searching memoir, Eat Pray Love.

Ryan Murphy, the movie’s director describes Julia as “the kind of actress who people project dreams onto and love and feel safe to follow anywhere†.
A Hollywood A-lister, statuesque in a shimmering Balenciaga top and Céline heels, she is a powerful presence, her famous mouth even more pronounced in the flesh. But for all the gloss, there is an earthy quality to her, a grounded, no-bullshit approach to life. As Murphy puts it, Roberts “lacks the narcissism that most actresses have†.

Of her personal spiritual journey, and believing in past lives, she is pragmatic: “Do you wake up one day and realize you have found yourself? Everybody wants it to be this big moment where God talks to you, but you get to the place you are searching for step by step, I think,†she says.
And what I LOVE the most is this statement from her:
“When you end up happily married, even the failed relationships have worked beautifully to
get you there.â€

This statement basically means that not only we can influence the future and change it in every single minute, but also can change the past. (This is a Quantum principle that I fully believe in.) I have a story like that myself. I pray that the person I am referring to will know in his heart of hearts and will Eat, Pray, Love until such day when the past will be just as happy as the future can be!

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