Do you feel like you do not have time to accomplish all the things you have in your “to do list†? Or, are you one of those people that love to leave things for later and at the end, those things never get done, making you feel unaccomplished?
This likely means that you need to work in improving your time management skills. Time management is a set of skills, techniques, or tools used to manage or take control of your time with the purpose of successfully achieving a goal or a specific task. Two of the most common causes of poor time management are procrastination and disorganization. According to Merriam-Webster (2010), procrastination means to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done. When people procrastinate, they not only prevent themselves from achieving X or Y task, they also prevent themselves and those around them from moving forward in the completion of their goals, creating a sense of distress and disappointment.
Disorganization is also considered one of the major causes of poor time management. No having a clear agenda, an effective time management system, or a simple “to do list†can prevent you from organizing yourself to be able to accomplish your tasks on hand. Some of the advantages of having excellent time management skills are:
• It helps you reduce stress and anxiety.
• Helps you work with a purpose.
• Helps you reduce avoidance.
• And, last but not least, helps you maintain enthusiasm and motivation toward your tasks in hand.
You may be thinking… “That sounds great, but how can I become a time management guru†? The answer to that question is simple: create a good time management system and stick to it.
Some good time management tips are:
• Plan your day, the day before: Create a to do list before you leave your work that way when you get out of the house the next day, you already know which tasks need to be completed and in which order.
• Prioritize your to do list.
• Identify bad habits and get rid of them.
• And, learn to say NO to those things that do not require immediate attention.
By creating a good time management system and sticking to it, you will be able to maintain your focus and stay organize and at the same time will be preventing unnecessary stress or anxiety while working toward the completion of your goals.
Author’s Bio:
Marielys Camacho Reyes is a graduate Psychology student at the University of Phoenix, a Career Coaching student at the Coach Training Alliance, and a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). If you want more information about Career Coaching, visit her website at or send her an email at