For those who missed the live presentation: here are excerpts on YouTube:
We’ve heard so much about North African turmoil of late that it is easy to forget that this part of the world is the cradle of history for most of our planet’s inhabitants and that despite the political unrest, these are great travel destinations.
Lisa Niver Ranja will talk about one such trip, “Uncovering Jewish Morocco”, at Stephen S. Wise Temple’s Udko Annex on March 24 7pm-8:30pm.
The presentation will explore Jewish roots and how the Jews of the region people followed in the footsteps of Maimonides from Spain through Morocco and finally to Israel.
The presentation will include photography of the Marrakech synagogue and the Mellah (Jewish Quarter) in Fes el-Jdid with its extensive Jewish Cemetery and other highlights from Niver Ranja’s own three-week journey in the country. Complimentary maps and other enticements to be used on a future trip of yours will be given out.
As Niver Ranja says, “travel stories help us find a unique side of ourselves and our ancestors, through travel we are brought together to discover the common bond of humanity that ties us despite the vast lands and time that separate us”.
So take the first step and attend the March 24th lecture — who knows, you might like it.
About the Speaker:
Lisa Niver Rajna is an accomplished travel agent, author, blogger and member of the Traveler’s Century Club, a unique travel club limited to travelers who have visited one hundred or more countries. She traveled for seven years to six continents with Club Med and with Princess Cruises, Renaissance Cruises and Royal Caribbean International as youth staff and Senior Assistant Cruise Director. She and George Rajna spent eleven months wandering from Indonesia to Mongolia and have a book in process about the journey. Their blog,, is listed in the Top 100 at with a #5 travel blog rating out of 1445 travel blogs in January 2011.