Spend a magical day near the beach at Canyon Charter School’s legendary 115th Annual Fiesta and Silent Auction, Sunday, April 26th from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM at 421 Entrada Drive, Santa Monica.
Fiesta and Silent Auction is open to the public, so come on down and support the school. Dance the day away to Mariachis and taste delicious cuisine. The playground will magically transform into a carnival with incredible attractions offering fun for the entire family.
Shoppers can flip for prizes of their own as Canyon’s lovely auditorium plays host to an incredible Silent Auction. With an array of over 700 items priced as low as $5 to a high of $5,000, there is literally “something for everyone
Admission is free at Canyon Charter School’s 115th Annual Fiesta and Silent Auction. Parking including shuttle service to the school is available at Marix Restaurant, 118 Entrada Dr. For more information, visit www.canyoncharter.com/fiesta on the web.