Join in on a day of all things vintage and antique at the Beverly Hills Women’s Club.
The Club is hosting a fundraiser luncheon event to benefit the LA Conservancy and the Club’s restoration fun from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Oct. 23.
Bring up to five 5 of your treasured objects in for an on-the-spot, verbal appraisal from the experts at Bonhams & Butterfields.
Get the experts’ inside story on your personal objects, as well as highlights of certain objects for all to see. You’ll also enjoy a luncheon and the chance to meet new friends with a love of antiques.
Tickets are $100; including appraisals and luncheon ($50 is tax-deductible donation). For more information and reservations, please call (310) 276-5804 or e-mail