Candid Conversations is a new weekly thirty minute television talk show produced by City TV Santa Monica, the City of Santa Monica’s 12 time Emmy Award winning cable channel. The show focuses on those important issues viewers can relate to and learn from as well as be inspired by. The program features expert guests sharing their knowledge and expertise on a variety of subjects that audiences find useful in the everyday lives.
Candid Conversations is hosted by Sandra Siepak, COSW Commissioner Becky Lantry and Dena Diamond. The program is sponsored by The Commission on the Status of Women who encourage women to excel and achieve set goals in both their personal and professional lives. The show airs on City TV Channel 16 (Time Warner Cable) on Friday evenings at 8:30 PM as well as online at
City TV Santa Monica is proud to feature the engaging Candid Conversations with appearances by local area guests that raise awareness to those real life concerns many of us share today. Host Sandra Siepak added, “Our show features topics that are relevant to viewers such as money & finance, women’s health, self-defense and safety, healthy food and women in the workplace. In our discussions we provide solutions for viewers with a positive perspective.â€
Recent guests on the program include; Santa Monica Mayor Pam O’Connor and Santa Monica Chief of Police Jacqueline A. Seabrooks. The intention is to present viewpoints that are both inspiring and empowering. Candid Conversations Executive Producer is Robin Gee.
City TV reaches every Time Warner cable and Verizon FIOS customer. For more information: