This popular, free outdoor entertainment series takes place every Thursday in the summer from June 2 through September 1, with two 45-minute musical sets at 6 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. Tables and chairs are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, but there is plentiful seating on the large, grassy area for your blankets.
Guests can have their own picnic in the park by bringing their own picnic-packed meal or purchasing a boxed meal from one of the neighboring restaurants. Beverly Canon Gardens is located on Canon Drive between the Montage Hotel and Bouchon Restaurant. Parking is available adjacent to Beverly Canon Gardens.
The summer series features fourteen concerts with a wide genre of music. The remainder of the June line-up includes: The Tokens on June 9; Dakota on June 16; Amanda Castro Band on June 23; and, Rod Lightning and the Thunderbolts of Love featuring Michael J. Libow on June 20.