Flappers Comedy Club presents “LAS VEGAS NIGHT – COMEDY SHOWCASE!†Hosted by Camille Solari, it features an evening of some of the best up and coming comics out of Vegas including TEKG, Tony Posterello, Michael J Herbert, Anton Knight, Antwan Davis and more.
With special discounts on drinks, food, prizes and a hilarious comedy show featuring some of Las Vegas, and LA’s Funniest Comedians, this is an event that can’t be missed!
DOORS OPEN AT 9:00 SHOW TIME 9:30 PM. 2 for $ 10 at the door or COMP ADMISSION with RSVP to INFO@TEKG.COM It is time to Drink, Laugh and Party.
For complimentary tickets: RSVP at www.tekg.com. Drink specials, a full menu and VIP Bottle service available. Doors open at 8:30 PM show starts at 9PM.
For more information or to RSVP, write to info@tekg.com or call 702-900-4TEK.