Join us for a ground-breaking film that tells the stories of Sisters living their lives of faith, often in secrecy and against great adversity, during the reign of communism in Eastern Europe. This fall, this seminal film is set to premier on ABC with a regional tour of showings in October. Come, bring friends, and contribute to the dialogue about these engaging and inspirational stories and the women who lived to tell them.
Following the film screening, the Sisters of Social Service will be hosting panelists Sr. Judy Zielinski, Sr. Mary Savoie, Sr. Margaret Nacke and Sr. Anne Lehner. Srs. Mary and Margaret, both Sisters of St. Joseph of Concordia, have been listening to and collecting these Eastern European Sisters’oral histories of their lives under the reign of Communism for the past 15 years.
Three years ago they teamed up with Sr. Judy Zielinski, OSF, film writer and producer with NewGroupMedia who interviewed 60 Sisters, translated their stories, and wove them seamlessly together into this engaging and powerful documentary. Sr. Anne Lehner is one of the five Sisters of Social Service that are featured in the film, among the nearly 40 Sisters from Lithuania, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and the Ukraine whose stories are told.
Feel free to watch the trailer, Bring friends and join us for a revelatory look at the Sisters’ lives of faith during the Communist era, and hear these women’s inspiring stories unfold. We have much to learn from them and each other in dialog.
Documentary dates and location:
Sisters of Social Service, Encino
4316 Lanai Road, Encino, CA 91436
October 25, 1 p.m. General public screening
October 25, 6 p.m. Young adult (18+) and general public screening
October 26, 10 a.m. Religious Women’s screening
*Admission: $10 for general public, $5 for young adults. No one will be turned away.
R.S.V.P. at (818)285.3358 or e-mail carloSSSdevelopment@ Space is limited, so call early. These are stories you won’t hear
anywhere else and a night you won’t want to miss.