Local student and budding scientist Marissa Caan is one of only 20 American students chosen to attend the prestigious summer science program at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, one of the world�s foremost centers of scientific research and graduate study.
Marissa, a college-bound Pacific Palisades resident, learned about the Weizmann Institute of Science from her grandfather, who has long been involved with the basic science research institution. When Marissa traveled Israel several years ago, she visited the campus and decided to apply to the 41st annual Dr. Bessie Lawrence International Summer Science Institute (ISSI) as soon as she was eligible.
ISSI, a four-week, intensive science exploration, affords students the opportunity to work in small groups with world-renowned scientists and graduate students, conducting actual, ongoing research. Participants select a subject area in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics or computer sciences. Senior Weizmann Institute scientists give supplemental lectures, and participants are invited to join departmental talks and visit the campus�s state-of-the-art science facilities.
This past year, Marissa has had the extraordinary opportunity to gain first-hand experience in science research. She has worked in Dr. Chris Denny�s lab in the Pediatric Hemotology and Oncology department at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She hopes to continue exploring her passion for science and medicine this summer. Marissa recently graduated from Marlborough School in Los Angeles, CA.