The THIRD Los Angeles Protest BP Day is coming to Los Angeles. The peaceful protest will take place on July 31, 2010 from 1 – 4 p.m. at Palisades Park at the corner of Ocean Avenue and Colorado Avenue in Santa Monica. The purpose of the protest is to educate the public about the effects of the massive oil spill and to provide ideas of how to assist with the clean-up efforts and promote clean energy.
The concept for the first Worldwide Protest BP Day was launched on Facebook and took place on June 12, 2010 with protests in over 60 cities on five continents with Los Angeles participating. The motto “Think Global – Act Local†reflects the idea that environmental disasters do not stop at a nation’s border. A second Worldwide Protest BP day took place on July 10, 2010 with Los Angeles again participating.
This grass roots movement to raise awareness and share information about what is happening in the Gulf is just one of many that have sprung up on the Internet. On pages like Boycott BP and Worldwide Protest BP Day, more than 800,000 people have expressed their outrage over BP’s push to complete the Deep Water Horizon oil well, despite warnings of instability – along with their inability to stop the gushing oil for many weeks and the continued use of toxic dispersants.
British Petroleum is a multi-national corporation that earns billions in profits every year. Its brands include BP, Arco, Amoco, am/pm, Aral, and Wild Bean Café.
Protest participants are asked to bring signs, wear black ribbons or black armbands. No profanity, violence or vandalism will be tolerated. We have assured local law enforcement that this will be a peaceful demonstration. Children are welcome.
Our Facebook event page is: