Despite his death in 2006, the intrepid ‘Nazi Hunter’ Simon Wiesenthal, continues to inspire audiences across the country, thanks to a new one-man show celebrating his remarkable life.
Commemorating the centennial of Wiesenthal’s birth last year, critically acclaimed playwright and actor Tom Dugan recently premiered his newest one man play “NAZI HUNTER – SIMON WIESENTHAL†at the Armstrong Theater in Los Angeles to standing ovations and high praise. Dugan portrays the aging concentration camp survivor as he recounts his life’s work of pursuing Nazi War criminals.
Now Dugan is bringing back his gripping performance of NAZI HUNTER – SIMON WIESENTHAL, directed by JENNY SULLIVAN, to THEATRE 40 on May 22nd, opening in their Reuben Cordova Theatre located on the Beverly Hills High School Campus.
For tickets and information:
or 310-364-3606