iPhone users simply open the applet, select an issue, take a picture, and tap submit – the applet knows the exact location and sends the issue directly to the staff member who can fix it.
“Santa Monica is known to be a leader in the use of technology for providing information and services to the public. The new mobile applet is the latest example of the City using technology for connecting government with the community and for improved customer service†, noted Jory Wolf, Chief Information Officer.
The GPS and camera features built into the iPhone make it simple for residents to alert City officials about a variety of issues around the clock while they’re mobile. Residents will know that their issue went to the right person without ever going to an office, making a phone call or sitting down at a computer, and they receive status updates on their requests.
The City is receiving tremendous benefits from this new technology. A picture is worth a thousand words – when a resident taps the send button, their iPhone sends a photo and the precise location directly to the right person who can fix the issue. This efficiency saves the City time and money while improving service.
The iPhone applet is downloaded from the iPhone App Store by searching for GORequest.
The iPhone applet is the latest enhancement to the City’s citizen relationship management (CRM) solution, called GO Santa Monica, from Government Outreach, Inc., who plans to develop a similar mobile application for other handheld devices.