We can make a transformational shift right now. We are free from what we did yesterday, last year, or ten years ago. We are not bound by our past actions. We are not bound by our past decisions. And as we go through time, we get to add to our life experiences. We get to learn how to do things more effectively. We get to learn how to better express our wants and our needs to those we care about. Not only that, we get to learn how to listen to our world so we can extend our loving and caring more directly and clearer.
If your past words or actions have directly or indirectly caused others confusion or pain, this is a good time to clarify your intentions. Ask yourself, “What was the end result I wanted when I spoke those words?†“How did I want my actions to be interpreted?†If you did not get the results you wanted, speak up and express your truth as you know it today. Remember, you did the best you could with the information and the skill level you had at that time. Now you know more and your skill level has improved.
You have permission to clarify what you said or what you did. You have permission to continuously do instant replays and physically do things differently until you get the results you want. You can correct the things you just did or things you did years ago. We are all free to recreate the past. Some people will say, “No this is not so.†They will attempt to hold you to what you said or what you did in the past. You do not need to correct them. Just keep moving forward and, at some point in time, they will realize that they too have the same freedom to correct the past as you have and, when they do, they will celebrate the courage you demonstrated to them.
Keep growing. Keep learning. Keep changing. Know today is a brand new opportunity to step into who you truly are.